Monday, April 13, 2009

This is the first and introductory post of this blog site

Everybody would be thinking that how I got this idea of developing a site for the lost people.There is a short story behind this innovative idea which plucked in my mind.I was reading a daily news paper at my home and came across an article in which it was written that one person who was lost during fair which is arranged in dakor of gujrat state 13 yrs back at that time his age was teenager and so his parents had lodged a police complaint and was doing further investigation in that matter since 13 yrs ,but with no resolution and as per our Indian laws ( i do not know about the foreign laws so I used word Indian) if any lost person is not found out within 13 yrs then his file is closed and no further investigation is done for the same.
There are various ways in which policeman workout to search the lost person some of them are mentioned below

Add in local news channels
Add in radio channels
Annoouncement at railway station and high alert of concerned police department for the same.
Sending photographs and other details of lost persons to other police channels if they suspect that the suposed person might have migrated to that place etc.

All these campaigns are active for a day or two then sluggish inquiry goes on and obviously with no results in most of the cases.

Even if somebody knows them then they also cannot assure that the person is the same person as they are not able to see photos for more than few seconds.

Considering all these facts I found out one definate solution that there should be some permanent link to all these people so that anybody can sort out that person without being afraid of police and give information regarding them.

If you want that information of your lost known person be published in this site then you can mail us at

Mail Me
Various websites for tracking lost people  all over the world

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